Sunday, September 20, 2009
Andrew's 33rd Birthday
New addy
New School Pics
Friday, September 4, 2009
3 Steps to a Clean Body
As I think I wrote before, I'm teaching Planning 10 and PE 11 this year. The Planning course is old news as I did that last year already, but the PE thing is all new; I haven't taught full-time PE in 4 years now, so I'm super pumped about it. My first lesson with the kids was this past Thursday, and I thought I'd start out with some basics.
You see, some of these kids' personal hygiene could more accurately be described as "low-giene"... especially the boys. For example, they'll go out and play basketball at lunch for an hour (in the 30-degree heat) and get so sweaty that their shirts are see-through and their hair is dripping wet. Then they'll come back in and sit in class like that for 4 more classes in the afternoon. GROSS! I told them no more of that and had a whole object lesson of what a PE strip looks like, which is news to them! Seriously! And these kids are in grade 11!
What I did was have a big collection of "supplies" in a bag and pulled them out one by one and explained what they were for and how to use them. The kids were captivated! Amongst these items were a washcloth, a towel, deodorant, and a fresh t-shirt. I demonstrated how one would wet a washcloth and wash the face, neck, body, and armpits (in that order!), then towel-dry them, apply deodorant (not to be shared with classmates!), and put on a clean shirt. (Obviously I didn't strip down in front of them to show all this, but they go the idea). In the end they all thought it was a good plan and agreed to bring the suggested items next week! Sorry I don't have any pictures of all this.
In other news... Andrew and I (along with our friend Garrett from San Diego) are playing a show tonight at a little lounge/bar here in Shanghai, which should be fun. Andrew and Garrett both play accoustic guitar, and I'm the back-up singer. Shame I don't have my keyboard here, but it was too heavy to pack and is nestled comfortably in Tony and Gill's basement in North Van. Anyways, the show will be good I think. The only thing that discourages us from doing more of them is that ALL the bars here are super-smokey so you come home absolutely REEKING.
Also, we got gym memberships at a new gym yesterday, which is a 10-minute walk from our house. We are so happy b/c the gym we went to last year is now too far away for us (after the move). Plus, we got our Chinese secretary at school to do the groundwork on gym research for us (she's a STAR!), and she somehow bargained them down from 2800 RMB to 1500 RMB for the year. What a deal! Moreover, 6 of us Canadians joined at once, so we'll all be able to hold each other accountable for working out. It also has a bigger swimming pool than last year, so we'll hopefully be able to swim proper laps without having to negotiate around Chinese "waders".
Alright, that's all for now... have a great weekend!
~Team AC
So as you can see, we are really really happy with our new joint. The only two complaints we have are that it still smells a bit smokey (from previous renters I think) and the fact that it backs out onto a busy main road, which makes it a bit noisy. We'll get used to it though.
Hopefully we'll be able to post pics of the new school soon... it's a beauty!
~Team AC
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Back in China
Well, here is our first official post of the 2009-2010 school year in Shanghai, China. Sorry it's taken a little while, but after arriving here we found, to our chagrin, that tons of sites have been blocked in China: blogger, twitter, you tube, facebook... to name a few. We felt completely cut off from the world! But now thanks to the computer expertise of friends of friends, we've hacked thru that firewall and are back in business!
So... updates: We've been here for a week now and it's taken that long to settle in, get groceries, do an Ikea-run for missing household items, unpack boxes and suitcases, etc. We are still not completely over our jet-lag yet which is strange, especially for me, b/c I usually don't struggle with it much at all. I'm still waking up around 4am though and getting really tired by 8pm. I'm sure it'll all sort itself out soon enough though.
As most of you know, the reason we had to move apartments is b/c the school has built a new campus in another part of the city and we wanted to be within walking distance to it. We had a tour of the new campus a couple days ago and it's like a RESORT!! It is seriously SOOO nice! I'm trying to attach pics here as I write this, but sadly it doesn't seem to be happening... another time.
In addition to a new school, we also have new staff from Canada. Last year was the first year of our program so we only had grade 10s and therefore only had 48 students and 4 Canadian staff. This year we have 121 kids in grades 10 and 11, and 7 Canadian staff. Two of the new staff (Ash and Erika) are about the same age as Andrew and I and we've been having loads of fun together already. Ash just finished up with being a semi-pro tennis player so he has tons of knowledge in fitness and training. The 4 of us have already been down at the track a couple times doing interval training... trying to increase our fitness... lots of fun!
Some of you have been asking about our new apartment: it's way nicer and way bigger than last year's. The outside hallway area looks kinda ghetto, but once you get inside it's all good. It has 2 bedrooms, a huge bathroom, and the kitchen is twice the size of our one last year.... yippeee! It was such a pain last year, but no more of that now. Our living room is as big as a dance hall, so I'm gonna have to sign Andrew and I up for ballroom dancing or something... we definitely have the room to practice! Again, I'll try to attach the pics soon... it's just soooo slow right now.
As for school, it starts tomorrow (Sept 1st) so this is our last day "off"... I'm gonna try to brush up on my Chinese online today as it's slipped a bit over the summer. Andrew is busy practicing guitar at the moment... he's keen to play more shows this year. We are also doing the worship music for a friend's wedding at our church in 3 weeks... will be fun!
For those of you who would like to call us, our phone number again is 604.248.5191 but for some reason it's not working yet... we're still trying to iron out the wrinkles on that.
Okay, I will try again later to post the pictures of our apartment and our school. If it doesn't work, you'll just have to come see it yourself in person!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Back to China We Go!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Summer 2009 Update
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
We're Back!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Starving Students?
The cool thing about it was that almost 100% of the parents came out, which would NEVER happen in Canada. Also, the students came along with their parents, so they could hear exactly what was being said about them. Here are some of the highlights:
The funniest quote came from a mother, who when she found out that her son was getting a B in my class, turned to him, gave him a little smack on the head with his report card, and threatened him with "No A, no food for you!" I tried to keep a straight face, but just couldn't pull it off... I burst out laughing. I'm not sure if she was serious or not, but the kid looked a little scared!
As most of the parents don't speak English, the interviews were all done through a translator (which takes a little getting used to- you have to remember to keep your sentances short and pause every couple sentances to make sure that everything you just said actually makes it into the translation). Anyways, one dad told me that he thought his son's English was very poor. So I asked him "Do you speak any English?" (of course he didn't understand this so it went thru the translator). "No" was the answer to my question (surprise, surprise). Most of the parents are pretty quick on the draw, but this man didn't seem to see the blatant irony in his statement!
6 more weeks of classes before exams, and 7.5 weeks till we fly home for the summer. Can't wait!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Well, last week I got a phone call with very happy news: I was one of the winners! They told me in broken English where I could go to claim my prize, so this weekend Andrew and I set out to do that... getting there was an adventure, as we communicating to the "customer service" people that I had won chocolates. After quite some time of miming a draw box and getting out translating books, they finally worked out why I was there and happily gave me a big gift-wrapped box of chocolates... turns out they were all individually flavoured bars with cool names (see the pic above)... so delicious. Now I just have to make sure I don't eat them all at once!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Crazy School Trip
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A Reminder
Just a reminder that we LOVE it when you call (604.248.5191), but please remember we are FIFTEEN hours ahead of Vancouver time (PST).
We have had some yahoo calling us at 6:30am on weekend mornings (can't figure out who it is), and a friend (who shall remain nameless) who called us at 1am a couple days ago.... not cool at ALL people... we NEED our sleep!
We will try to remember to turn our ringer off before bed, but please remember the time difference. An easy way to remember it is for you to change your am to pm (or vice versa), and add 3 hours. For example, if it's 6pm your Friday night, turn that into 6am, then add 3 hours, so that would be our 9am. That would be an okay time to call most weekend mornings. Andrew might be up (I won't!be!).
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Scammed Again!
This came across yesterday again when I discovered I'd been duped by the grocery store. We are very fortunate to live close to an import grocery store where we can get lots of nice things... I try not to buy too much here b/c the prices of some of the things are WAY too crazy (eg- $12 Can for a box of cereal!). Once in a while it's a nice treat though... such it was recently with feta cheese (which costs about $10 Can for a small block). I LOVE feta cheese but never buy it here b/c of the absorbant price. However, last week I noticed there was a 2-for1 sale on feta cheese... I checked it out and noticed that the two packs of cheese were taped back-to-back with clear duct-tape... I tried to peel it off in the store so I could check the expiry dates on the back, but the tape was too strong. Seeing as this is an upscale kind of store, I decided in good faith that they wouldn't try to rip me off by selling me expired cheese (the package wasn't transparent, so I couldn't see the cheese).
So anyways, last night I was cooking and planning to use the feta cheese (very exciting... sad, I know!). I sliced thru the tape with a knife and opened the first pack... the cheese was beige, slimy, and stinky and the expiry date on the back read Feb 7th, 2009 (more than 2 months ago)!! I was so mad! Fortunately, the second pack I opened was fine. So I guess they decided to tape an old pack to cheese to a fresh pack of cheese and promote it using a 2-for-1 deal.
I know some of you will say "just take it back with your receipt", but the dumb thing is that I left the receipt at the store that day. You see, there was a draw for chocolates... all you had to do was write your name and phone # on your receipt and put it in the box and you could win a box of delicious-ness. I totally put my receipt in that box!
O well... it's only 10 bucks, but it's the trickery that makes me mad... you just don't know who you can trust around here.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Dying Easter eggs... again, not sure of the boys' in the middle names, but Andrew and Bonnie L-R
The last game was tossing eggs off the 13th floor balcony, trying to land them on the neighboring building's rooftop (across the street)... Andrew and Bonnie were both successful!
Sunday, April 19, 2009

There are a few boys in our class who are really into soccer, but we don't have a soccer pitch (or any grass for that matter) on our school's campus to practice on... the whole thing is one big concrete mass. Therefore, finding a place to practice was a challenge, but we managed. For starters, we found a park nearby with a semi-flat area to practice (but no real pitch or nets)... this worked until one of our guys took out an old man in a wheelchair (by accident)... that's when I figured we should move on. Next on the hit-list was the university across the street from our high school. Although the soccer pitch there is for students only, we decided to take our chances. Lunch time practices were great; afterschool practices were shut down by the guard, but we got enough play-time in.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The past 2 weeks

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Best Kept Secret in Shanghai
Sunday, March 29, 2009
ACE: Arts Charity Extravaganza
Last weekend Andrew and I had the pleasure of helping out with a huge event here in Shanghai called ACE (Arts Charity Extravaganza). It was an event put on entirely by youth (mainly from the many international schools in the area) to raise money for a charity of their choice. This year the chosen charity was Shanghai Healing Home, which is a new orphange that will be offering pre- and post-surgical care for orphaned Chinese infants with cleft lip. (If you want to find out more, you can check out the website:
This picture if of James and Christina Weidner... they are the ones opening the SHH and were giving an info-speech at ACE about it. What's crazy is that they have 4 kids (7, 4,2, and 9 months) of their own, the youngest of which was born in China last summer. They are from New Orleans but have a real heart for China so plan to be here for the rest of their lives. We've been getting to know them; they're a great family!
Anyways, the ACE event was held in a huge loft and featured a fashion show, art gallery (with silent auction), food, live music, dancing, etc. I've been trying to teach my own students about serving, and thought this would be a great way for them to get involved. (Okay, they also need 30 volunteer hours to graduate from the BC program, so I think that might have been a pretty big motivator for a lot of them to sign up). I was expecting maybe 5-10 kids to sign up as volunteers, but was really surprised when nearly all of our 48 students volunteered- isn't that fantastic?! Some of them were even there 2 days before the event, setting up chairs, cleaning the floors, doing silly meaneal tasks that just needed to be done. On the day of, they had a great time though.
Here's Henry, Jay, and Kerry serving drinks.
Marvin and Linda serving food.
Justin, David, Jim, and Greg handing out programs at the door.
A dance performed by some international school students. The boy at the very front of the V was Korean and the CRAZIEST dancer I'd ever seen. He was so good I thought he was a girl (he looked pretty girly too!). He was like Gumby bustin' it out. I took a video and will show you guys when we're home this summer... this is something everyone has to see... all the girls in the audience were screaming like they were at a JT concert or something... you can hear that on the video too.
Tim, Terry, and Frank setting up a sign for the silent auction.
And this little sweetheart is Abby, the 4-year-old daughter of James and Christina. I had just french-braided her hair before ACE started and she wanted me to take a picture of her... one of many, but this is the cutest one to show you guys. She didn't want to wear her sweater (like her mom had asked her to), so I convinced her that it would look pretty cool if I tied it around her neck like a cape. She thought she was super-woman after that!
On the following Monday I asked my students what they had thought of ACE. One boy responded, "There were many beautiful girls there." When I asked them what the best part of the whole event was, they ALL replied, "The pizza and the nuts." Ha ha, not what I was expecting!