In case you are still checking this blog from time to time, here's a nice little post just for you! As you may or may not know, China has blocked the blogger site (along with facebook, youtube, twitter, etc), and that is why we haven't been able to update our blog at all.
We are now on holiday in Australia for a few weeks which means internet freedom!! So far our trip has been great... we've been staying with various friends (and friends of friends) along the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, have been surfing a couple times, and picked up my sister Emily from the Brisbane airport this past Monday. She is travelling with us for a week, then heading farther up north towards Cairns where she'll be joining up with a Contiki tour and heading back down the coast to Sydney. We've loved hanging out with her so far and have been having loads of fun.
We will def be posting pictures of our trip somewhere at some point... so keep tuned. Also, please don't give up on our blog completely as we anticipate our emancipation from China at the end of June to some more internet-friendly place where we will keep blogging from!
~Corinna for Team AC (and Em!)