Hi Guys,
Here's a quick update on our September:
First of all, a huge welcome to Steve and Christina's little guy, Alexander Sebastian, born on September 14th. What a little cutie. We are thrilled to be an aunt and uncle, and have enjoyed the ride (both pre- and post-baby) with Steve and Christina on Skype. Love getting updates from them almost every day with new pictures and videos of what Alex is up to. |
Also on Sept 14th was Andrew's birthday... here we are having a BBQ at the beach (see all the sausages on the grill?) It was tornado-grade windy out, and the chopped onions on the grill were blowing all over the place. |
hanging out with friends at the BBQ |
My other two pregnant friends, Hannah and Naomi at my baby shower. We are all due within a couple weeks of each other. The sign beside us says "Baby Boy"... we're all having boys, and it's the first baby for all of us. |
This one's a bit random, but this is how dental care is done here in Oz for students... a government trailer pulls up outside the school and everyone gets their teeth cleaned and worked on. Easy, eh? |
Now that we're on school holidays for a couple weeks, we headed down to Brisbane to see our friends Dave and Niki, and went to the Riverfire lights show this past Friday night... it was all set to music with bright laser beams beaming off all the highrises around the city across the river where there was water and mist spraying around the lights. | | Reminded us a bit of the fireworks nights in Vancouver... everyone turns up and it's super crowded, but worth checking out for sure. |
After the show we went to this chocolate cafe at Southbank with Dave and Niki. Yuuuuum. |
And after that, we went to this open-air bar where there was a contortionist performing, and then a huge drum-circle... super interesting to watch. |
That's about it for now. If you would like to read a bit of a pregnancy update, you can check out my
Busy & Fit site for the latest.
~Corinna for Team AC