Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thailand so far...

Hi Guys,

Just a quick note to catch you all up:

We've been in Thailand for a week now and are having a great time. We started out in Bangkok for 6 nights (too long if you're ever thinking of going), and saw heaps of temples, markets, street vendors, massage places, etc. We also got to visit an orphanage that some friends from Abbotsford run there.

Yesterday we flew up to Chiang Mai (in the North). If you know anything about Andrew, you'll know that he likes to be at the airport VERY early... so we were there 3.5 hours early for a domestic flight... the check-in counter wasn't even open yet. That pretty much made for a full day of traveling by the time we got here.

Our hotel here in CM has a really nice (cold) pool with lots of trees around it. We spent most of today just swimming, reading and relaxing.

Today we booked the stuff we're gonna be doing for the next 3 days: a big ziplining thing, elephant riding, trekking, white-water rafting, and a cooking school. Really looking forward to all that.

Sorry there's no pictures with this post... we left all that stuff behind in Oz (the camera cables), so we'll post all those next month when we get back.

Hope you're all doing really well and getting ready for Christmas (and your 60th next week, Dad!).

Talk soon,

~Corinna for the Team

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