Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What are the Chances??!

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about what an ordeal it was to mail the letter home containing the mailbox key that I'd forgotten to leave for our tenants (if you didn't read it, scroll down a ways to catch up so this makes sense!). Anways, I thought that all was fine and dandy, until Steve (Andrew's brother who's taking care of our place in our absence) called yesterday. He called to say that he'd received the envelope and the letter inside, but that the key had created a hole in the corner of the envelope and had fallen out en route. So no key! Argghhhhh! What are the CHANCES of that happening?? Houdini the key!

So now our poor tenants have been without their mail for over 2 weeks and we're trying our best to solve it from here. Thinking that our building's strata or management company must have an extra key to our mailbox somewhere, we called to inquire. But guess what? NO KEY!! So now we have to get a locksmith in to replace the whole lock and get new keys. The cost? A smoothe $90. All because I forgot to leave the stupid mailbox key on the counter... I had even left myself a note.

O well... these things happen. At least I remembered everything else!

A big huge thank you goes out to Steve for being so kind and accomodating of my forgetfulness!

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