Hey guys, it's Andrew. On Sept. 29th, Corinna and I went indoor snowboarding! Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't Whistler, but we had a great time.
In the morning, we hopped in a cab, then took the subway out to an area west of the city. From there, we took another cab to this huge building that had a word like "Snowland" or something on the outside. "Here we go", I'm thinking.

After paying, we were given very "interesting" colored snowpants and jackets, along with these wimpy gloves. I'm pretty sure half of China had used my outfit over the last few years! Fortunately,
Corinna and I had brought our own touques. I didn't even want to go there. We proceeded downstairs to choose our boots and boards. The boots were okay, the board screamed rental. Then, we went past a turn style, where someone swipes your timecard to show what time you entered at.
You go through the doors, and enter this HUGE room that resembles an ice rink slanted upwards on one side. The slope was a total of about 200 m in all, with the bottom half being a flatter run (crowded), and the top half being what we would call an intermediate, or "blue" run at home (empty). So we headed up the slope, first by a moving sidewalk escalator that was on one side of the run, then by a Poma lift, which is similar to a t-bar.
The slope was okay, and the snow was a bit granular, almost "corny", if that makes sense. It was a little bit loud in there too because they had the snow blowers on the whole time. After about 2 hours, we had our fill, and headed back. "Let's see here; Indoor snowboarding in China in September..........check".
Talk soon,
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