I would like to congratulate my friend Lindsey and her now-fiance Barrie ("Baz") on their recent engagement! Linds and I have been friends since grade 8, and we all met Baz when our friends Tanessa and Denise met him randomly while traveling in England about 10 years ago. After striking up a friendship, Baz came out to Canada at least once a year to visit them and to snowboard. That's when we all met him and became friends with him. A couple years ago, Lindsey and Tanessa were traveling in Europe, met up with Baz again, and that's when things started happening with the Lindsey-and-Baz saga. Baz (who is an engineer), then decided to come to Canada for a year (this past year), mainly to snowboard and be with Linds.
Dec. 24th was Lindsey's 27th birthday, and Baz completely surprised her with an early morning proposal on the snowy shores of Spanish Banks beach in Vancouver. A treasure map and shovel were involved, I'm told.
Linds and Baz are both super excited, and a June wedding is being planned. Congrats guys!

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