Last month I celebrated my 30th birthday... fun times. It was on a Sunday, so when Andrew woke me up I had some relaxing time to peruse the treats he had put on the table for me... flowers, a card, some chocolate, and a couple magazines I like. The card had a "coupon" in it for a kiteboarding lesson, which I'm so excited to use, but it hasn't been windy enough since my birthday to give it a try. It might take a couple more months for the wind to pick up, but I'll def be out there asap!

After reading my cards and opening presents, Andrew took me out for brunch at Ridges, the resort we used to go swimming at a lot. It also happened to be Mother's Day that day, so the whole place was full of moms and very loud kids, but that's okay. We all got a welcome drink (champagne) at the door, so that was nice. Any place that puts a drink directly in my hand upon entry is good! Nice and relaxing after a bit of a drive to get there.

Here's the view from our table... pretty nice!

And we were seated right next to the live entertainment... this guy was really good and I loved listening to him while we ate.

After brunch we took a stroll around the grounds of the resort and had little game of tetherball... with racquets. Not quite sure what it's called, but you can imagine how it works.

The next day at work I was called to the office to pick up a "package." Thinking it was the book I had ordered on Amazon for Andrew's masters, I wasn't too excited, but when I got to the office it was actually this amazing flower arrangement from our friends Dave and Nikki in Brisbane. It was SO nice of them to remember my birthday and think of me!

As more cards came in the mail that week, the table was getting pretty crowded with birthday stuff. If you sent a card, see if you can spot it above!

At the end of the day on my birthday, Andrew and I played on the worship team at our church (as we do every 2-4 weeks). Andrew usually plays bass, electric, or acoustic guitar, and I always play keys.

Overall it was a good birthday... probably a bit more low-key than if I'd turned 30 in Vancouver, but that's okay. Thank you so much to everyone who made the day special by calling and sending cards... very kind of you!