Here are a few more pictures of my recent trip to Vancouver for Em's wedding. The first one is of my friend Cathy, who is having her first baby in a couple months. It's funny b/c when I saw her at Christmas she was all excited about being pregnant, but you couldn't even tell she was pregnant at all, even when she pushed her belly out after eating a big lunch! A few months later, you can totally tell she's really pregnant! :)

I also got to hang out with my good friend, Alysa. Alysa and I have been great friends since doing our BEd together at UBC 6 years ago, and she's one of the funnest people I know. In April she and I went to her friend's Passover celebration meal, which was really interesting. At the front door there was this Jewish flamingo, complete with the Jewish hat and 2 curly locks... we nabbed him for a picture.

Part of the meal involved re-enacting the Israelites' escape from Egypt. We were all given roles to play, and Alysa was the Pharaoh (see above). We went thru all the plagues, including the plague of boils... the host put these little yellow circle-stickers all over us (boils), which you can (kind of) see in the picture.

One of the most creative parts of the meal was the dessert, which was the parting of the Red Sea made out of cupcakes (maybe the icing should have been red?!). Such a cool idea!
That's all for now... more to come!
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