Here I sit at 2:20am, unable to sleep after a busy day, so I shell tell you about our visit to the Rocky Zoo last weekend. It was our 2nd time going to this free zoo, and it's always a good time, especially the chimps, Cassius and Octavius ("Cassy" and "Ocky"), who are both around 40 years old.

At first Cassy was way up high in his cage... but this loud Philippino lady convinced him to come down to the observation window and give her some kisses thru the window (see first pic). I tried to copy her, but Cassy was not too keen on kissing me (see second pic)... but at least I got my pic taken with him.

The Rocky Zoo is a free zoo, and is linked with the Botanical Gardens beside it. Discovering this little gem in the midst of Rocky has made living here all the nicer. It's full of lush tropical trees and vines... a really nice place to go walk around and relax and see some interesting Australian animals. There's also a nice path along the river that's good for running on.

Here is one of the dingos... playing dead I guess.

Here is a freshwater crocodile... you can tell them apart from saltwater crocs b/c of their long, pointy snout. They usually don't feed on humans, but last time we were here this guy took a snap at a kid who stuck his fingers thru the fence (marked, "do not feed your fingers to the croc")... the kid pulled away just in time though! This pic is not too great b/c you couldn't really take a good pic thru the fence... Andrew was trying to hold the camera above the fence, without seeing the viewfinder.

Leaving the zoo... here is Andrew driving our little car (we call it the "Blue-Bottle")

Here I am trying to operate the canon-launcher. It was made in Germany, and used to fight in WWI in Turkey (Galipoli), where it was seized by the Aussies and brought back to Oz. Now it sits in the Botanical Gardens in Rocky (they traded it with Sydney for a big gun), next to the giant war memorial in the gardens. It blew my mind how such a heavy piece of equipment has traveled so far around the world. (By the way, this thing shot 15cm canons up to 8km!!)

This is an emu. It was making these strange noises... like a grunting pig. We seriously thought the zoo had wild pigs when we heard this noise from a distance... but when we got closer we noticed the noise was coming from an emu! This one was about as tall as me. An interesting thing about emus is that the
male bird sits on the eggs, and then raises the young for the first couple years, not the mom.
1 comment:
Good to see you're blogging again. I'll have to remember to start checking it again. I'm glad you are adjusting to your new location, and had a good visit in Abby.
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