The first weekend of the holidays we drove down to the Sunshine Coast, which is where we'll be moving in a few months. We couldn't be more excited, as this has always been our "dream location" in Australia! To give you an idea, the Sunny Coast is about 100km north of Brisbane, and about 700km south of Rockhampton, so it took us most of the day to drive down.

After the Runway Motor Inn, we spent the rest of the week at our friend Line's house on the Sunny Coast. Here's Andrew watching her kids, Max and Isobel, play computer games. They are great kids and we had a good time hanging out with them.

We also got to spend some time on the beach, and exploring the neighborhoods where we hope to be renting next year. We now have a much better feel for what we're looking for.

To give you a bit more information on what the deal is for next year, Andrew just got a job at a private school called Suncoast Christian College... you can check it out at http://www.suncoastcc.qld.edu.au/ He'll be starting in Jan and teaching Sr Math and Science.
I'm still looking for work in the area, and had an interview at Coolum Beach Christian College a couple weeks ago (that's why we drove down). It went well, but they don't have any positions available (it's a super small school). I asked them to keep me in mind in case anything opens up, which they said they'd do. If I really can't find a teaching position, I can always sub for a while. I'm really not too worried about it at this point.

One more pic that I recently came across: while I was in Canada at Em and Brendan's wedding in April, Andrew went camping to the beach with his friend Dave, and here was his message in the sand to the newlyweds:

More blogging to come in a couple weeks :)
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