You can see I think of you guys all the time since your wedding picture is hanging on the side of our fridge. It's funny because you mailed us a thank-you card and pictures last year, and it arrived while were in Vancouver at Christmas. Well, somehow our mail got blown out of our mailbox, and since we had all that flooding, the photos and card were in pretty rough shape when we opened the envelope in January after we got back. I think we managed to save one pic though, and that's the one on the fridge (see above).
In other news, remember when we first moved to Rocky last year and I posted a picture of the neighbor's pool? It looked like this:

Crystal blue waters, inviting, wonderful. Well, fast-forward 15 months, and she hasn't used the pool ONCE! In fact, she's totally given up on even cleaning it, and it now looks like this:

Speaking of our yard, here's Andrew enjoying lunch outside today on our patio (and yes, he is wearing pants, not just a necklace!):

This week it went from our winter weather (comfortably warm) to boiling hot almost overnight. We have officially removed the blanket from our bed for the rest of the year and are now just using a thin sheet at night. We're also wearing as little clothing as possible, and have the overhead fans on all the time to keep cool.
It's really nice to have warm temps as long as you don't have to do too much, otherwise you really start sweating. It's 31 today, and pretty much meant to stay like that for the foreseeable future on the forecast.
We haven't had ANY rain in about 2 months now... not that we miss it, but everything is super dry outside, and if even just one yahoo drops a match or cigarette outside we'll be having massive forest-fires. Surrounding towns have already started having them, so sometimes we get smoke blowing into Rocky, which can get pretty stinky.
With all the dryness, my skin is getting totally lizard-y, despite exfoliating and lotioning regularly. I've finally had to resort to rubbing Jojoba oil onto my legs because they looked so nasty. And it's not from being out in the sun too much... just from the dryness.
Finally, a couple pics from our soccer awards night last night. It was fun to get all dressed up with the girls on our team... funny because normally we just see each other in soccer gear, so this was a nice change.

It was basically a dinner (not so tasty, unfortunately) held in a big tent outside our soccer club, and then speeches and awards for best player, most improved, etc. A bit boring since there were a lot of teams there so I didn't know most of the people getting awards, but it as fun when it was our team's turn.

That's all for now, folks... talk soon! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, and hope Mum & Dad have fun in Osoyoos, and Mom & Dad have a blast in Las Vegas! Woo hoo!
~Corinna for Team AC
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