Hope you're all doing well. October has been great for us, and things are really starting to heat up here. Today it's 30 degrees, and I'm sure we've each had 4 litres of water already... so hot!
Andrew is doing well with his Masters... working on courses #3 and 4 and getting A's on everything. In fact, he's sitting right next to me, typing up his midterm assignment, so we're side-by-side on our laptops... how romantic :)
Sometimes I find him sleeping (like above) when he's supposed to be reading... some of the stuff he has to read is pretty dry, so I don't blame him!

This has been an exciting month for me as I got my first cheque in the mail from Google. As you might know, I put up Google Ads on my website a few months ago, and every time you reach a certain income they pop your money in the mail to you. It took ages to come as it was from the States, but ordered in Ireland and mailed from Sweden to Australia... I thought for sure someone had robbed it out of our mailbox, but nope, just slow snail-mail.

Since it's getting hot out, I'm making more salady-stuff to eat. Somewhere in my subconscious memory I could "taste" this salad that my mom used to always make and take along on picnics with us to Cultus Lake when we were little, so I tried my best to remember what was in it and copy it, and it tastes great.
If you want to try it, it's just a can of chick peas (garbanzo beans), lentils, large can of tuna, about 30 green olives sliced into thirds, parsley, a bit of olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. It makes about 3 portions, and since Andrew won't go near it, I'm good to go for 3 days!

Last night we went to a 30th birthday party for our friend Monty, whom we work with. It was an 80's themed party and people did a great job dressing up. My favorite was Julian's purple mo-hawk (above) and Arno's Super Mario costume... didn't get a picture of that one.

Last but not least, our friend Steph from work had her second little baby girl this month, Penelope May, and I went to visit her in the hospital the next day... isn't she cute?! Andrew and I took a meal to her house a few days later and played with her other daughter, Lillian who's nearly 3, so we definitely got our fill of little kids for the week!
Penelope kept on crying whenever I held her, so I got lots of practice jiggling her up and down to quiet her down. I think I got the hang of it after a couple hours.
In other news, we've pretty much got our move organized for December, including a moving truck, carpet cleaner, etc. Hard to believe we'll be outta here in just over 5 weeks... can't wait for the next adventure!
Talk soon,
~Corinna for Team AC
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