Hi Guys,
It's a been a couple weeks since a blog post from us, so here you go: The first pic above is from when we decided to have a picnic dinner on the top of Mt. Archer, the tallest mountain around here, which overlooks our town. We grabbed some pizza and drove up, but we kept being interrupted by these annoying magpie birds that were swooping in for our food... that's why Andrew looks so wary in this pic :) We soon gave up and went home.

The next couple pics (sorry, out of order), are from our church picnic which was held on someone's property in the outback. He had this massive lean-to where we all ate in, and then there were games outside, a giant waterslide down a hillside, and "bush-dancing" to end off the night. It was our first go at that, and it turned out to be a lot like square-dancing. We even did it in a empty field, so it was pretty authentic.

Last Sat Andrew and I had to re-certify our CPR certificates, so we spent the afternoon pumping the chests of dummies. The guy across from Andrew is our friend Will from work, who's a total legend... they were having a little too much fun together, but I think we all still passed anyways!

Last Sunday we went to the beach for the afternoon with our friend Chris from church... it was so great walking along the bathtub-temp water and just relaxing... life can be pretty hectic with work and stuff, so it's nice to just breathe in the ocean air and chill out once in a while :)

Later that evening Andrew and I were playing on the worship team at church... you can see him at the back left in the pic above playing his bass. It was really good night.

On Monday I took a few of my girls to the beach (same beach as the day before) for some beach volleyball and swimming. Our school is a bit budget on sports equipment, especially beach volleyball stuff, so we ended up having to take two high jump standards as our posts, and just tie a rope between them as a net. The girls had a blast anyways. I love it when girls this age get into sports... makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something :)

Lastly, we had some concreting going on in our Middle School area at school this week... the kids were running out of room to play handball at lunch (the most popular lunch-time game here), so they paved another area and are gonna paint the lines soon.
One of the yahoos in my class decided to write "I was here" in the concrete as it was drying. Big trouble for him.
Anyways, that's life this month. Two more weeks till we are done school, and then we'll be packing up, moving to the sunny coast, and flying to Thailand all in less than a week. Can't wait for the adventures!
Ciao for now...
~Corinna for Team AC
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