Alrighty, so it's been another super busy week down here as we are winding down to the school holidays.
Last blog post I shared how Andrew was doing Movember, and this past Friday the kids got to shave off his "beautiful" mo in front of everyone at school. They also got to dye (hairspray) his hair white, which took about 3 washes to fully get the smell out. He was a great sport about it, and our school has raised just over $1000 for prostate cancer research now.
On Sat morning Andrew got up at 5am to join a bunch of other guys from school at 5:30am to hike up a nearby mountain. It's SO hot right now that if you want to do anything physical, you really have to do it before 8am, or after 6pm.
The other morning I woke up at 5am to hear Andrew taking an ice-cold shower... that's how hot it is in our room. Oh well, not complaining... it's just strange when normally we'd be freezing our pa-tooties off in November!
On Sat evening we had our friends Greg and Sunelle over for dinner, and then on Sunday we got up early-ish and went to the beach for a walk. Usually it's a bit breezy by the ocean, but not now... it's sooo hot, and the water isn't really refreshing either since it's bath-tub temperature. Beautiful scenery though.
After the beach we were invited for lunch at the family of one of my students (near the beach). We had a great time with them, and ended up riding various skateboards on their driveway afterwards.
You can see I'm not quite a pro-rider yet... but just you wait!!

Sunday evening we were on worship team at our church for the last time and said our good-byes there. Next weekend we will be busy packing and cleaning our rental house, as the movers are coming on Monday, so don't think we'll be going to church then.
We are now in our LAST week of school (yipppeeee), then Andrew has his final for his Masters course on Sat morning, and then we are gonna start to really hit it for the rest of the weekend with packing and cleaning... I think it'll be a big job, but at least we get a good reward at the end of it it all... a holiday!
I will do a quick post on that soon so you know where we're off to.
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