As promised, here are the basics of our trip to Thailand, which is coming up in less than 2 weeks from now!
I've put shapes on the map of Thailand above (Thailand is the yellow country) so you can quickly find where we're going.
We arrive into Bangkok (star shape) on Dec 8th and stay for nearly a week. Then we fly up to Chiang Mai (paw shape) and spend about 5 days there. Then we fly down to Phuket (happy face) and spend the rest of our time there and the surrounding islands. In early January we fly back up to Bangkok, and then back to Oz on Jan 4th. So we'll be there for nearly a month... perfect!
At first we were only planning to go for about 2 weeks, but when we priced things out, it'll cost about the same amount to travel in Thailand as it would to live in Oz, so why not go for longer and have some more fun adventures??!
Some of the things we're looking forward to most are:
-taking a 2-day kite-boarding course
-checking out the tropical islands and beaches
-Thai food
-elephant rides
-Thai massages
-taking a Thai cooking class
We will be going by ourselves... our friends Bonnie and Shane from China were planning to meet us there, but the plans fell through... so we're a bit sad about that, but will have a great vacation anyways. I'm sure we'll meet plenty of other travelers to hang out with!
We will try to keep in contact with you from time to time, but won't be bringing our computers with us, so don't worry if you don't hear from us for a bit.
We will also try to be in touch before moving to the coast and flying to Thailand, but be warned that this upcoming weekend will be SO busy that I'm not sure we'll have time to phone much, so it may just have to be a few emails here and there.
Alright, gotta go... have a good one!
~Corinna for Team AC